check for documentation updates online
What is QuickNailer?
How do I use QuickNailer?
Where do I get the latest version of QuickNailer?
How do I know which version I'm using?
How do I enable PowerPC acceleration?
Quick Start Tutorial
First Time Importing Images
First Time Creating Linked Web Pages
How do I import dozens of files at once?
How do I import thousands of files at once?
How do I use all Photoshop, pro-JPEG, wide GIF, TIFF, BMP files?
How do I limit importation to fewer file types?
How do I import Netscape cache files?
Hyper Text Markup Language
What is HTML?
What files are created for the web pages?
What Unix file name conversion will be applied?
What limitations does Apply Caption Font have?
What can go into an HTML code snippet file?
What are the preset colors?
What media files are Format Converted?
What is done to make a file Cross-Platform?
About QuickNailer Window
What is the About QuickNailer Window?
Animation Window
What is the Animation Window?
How do I synchronize the animation?
How do I unjumble a synchronized animation?
Character Matrix Window
What is the Character Matrix Window?
What is a character sample?
File Name & Comments Window
What is the File Name & Comments Window?
Find Words Window
What is the Find Words Window?
Image Window
What is an image window?
How do I dither the image?
How do I enlarge an image that is displayed too small?
How do I interrupt image rendering?
Installed Fonts Window
What is the Installed Fonts Window?
Media Info Window
What is the Media Info Window?
Memory Window
What is the Memory Window?
Movie Window
What is a movie window?
Resequence Window
What is the Resequence Window?
Settings Window
What is the Settings Window?
What is the Folder panel?
What is the Imaging panel color swatch?
Slide Show Window
What is the Slide Show Window?
How do I start the full screen slide show?
How do I stop the full screen slide show?
How do I advance the slide show?
What is the Preferred Monitor setting?
Thumbnails Window
What is the Thumbnails Window?
How do I change the current thumbnail selection?
How do I remove thumbnails from the Thumbnails Window?
How do I arbitrarily order the sequence of thumbnails?
How do I have QuickNailer move the media file?
How do I have the Finder move the media file?
What is that number inside the thumbnail?
Tile Window
What is the Tile Window?
How do I overlay text or images?
Menu Commands
What is the New... command?
What is the Import... command?
What is the Import From Desktop command?
What is the Hide command?
What is the Export... command?
What is the Print command?
What is the Quit command?
What is the Copy command?
What is the Clear command?
What is the Select Thumbnails menu?
What is the Resequence command?
What is the Reattribute... command?
What is the View Media command?
What is the Search command?
What is the Launch With command?
What is the Reveal command?
What is the Move To Trash command?
What is the Move To command?
What is the Print selection command?
What is the Find Similar Files command?
What is the Find Colors command?
What is the Find Words command?
What is the Find Problem command?
What is the Find A File From Each Folder command?
What is the Full Screen Slide Show At Beginning command?
What is the Full Screen Slide Show On Selection command?
What is the HTML Index & Contact Sheet Divider menu?
Advanced Topics
Design Philosophy
Known Bugs
Contacting The Author
QuickNailer © 1996-1998 by Stephen Baber & Softwhir, All rights reserved.